April 1, 2022 2022-06-23 14:41FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question you’d like answered, please check below, we may have answered it. For other questions not covered here, a quick chat/email might be all you need!
How can I reset my password, I want to buy a course?
Click here to reset your password. On the page, click on Forgot Password and enter your email. And email will be sent to you with instructions on how to proceed.
I did not get an email after buying a course, product formula or eBook!
Please check your spam folder. Your email could have been routed there. Also remember to mark emails from Sommies World as “Not Spam” so that you can easily get our emails in the future.
If I want to take more than one class, do I get access to all of them at once or one after the other?
All the classes have different time frames (Duration of access), You can decide to access all the classes you enrolled for at the same time. However if you’re a beginner, we advise you take them one after the other. So you can have enough time to learn and assimilate well. As opposed to rushing which may likely happen when you take two classes concurrently.
Will I get access to all the modules at the same time?
For the Beginners and “Groom Your Fro Hair Care” classes, you won’t get access to all the modules at the same time. From our experience, disseminating a lot of information at once can be overwhelming for a beginner. So new modules are unlocked weekly to give you enough time to digest what’s been taught in the previous modules.
I’m a complete beginner/novice, which course should I take?
If you’re a complete beginner with no experience, we advice you start with courses and products like Black soap super bundle (A combination of 3 ebooks) and Introduction to Natural Cosmetic formulation.
Will I be taught pro mixing?
No! None of our classes cover pro mixing. We teach you how to formulate personal care (Skin and Hair) products professionally from scratch using safe synthetic and Natural ingredients.
When can I start?
Immediately you enroll for any of the online classes, you’ll get access to the online platform to access the class you paid for.
Is it really possible to finish the class within the duration/Time frame given for access?
We understand that people are committed and busy with a lot of things e.g working full time, Career, family commitments etc and so we fixed the time frame/Duration of each of the classes with this in mind. The duration was set based on 3hours per day.(Meaning if you dedicate 3hours to study per day, You’ll finish the classes within the duration and for some classes even way before the time frame elapses). If you finish the class before the time frame elapses, you still have 24/7 access to your portal so you can plan adequately and learn at your own pace.
Is it strictly a theoretical class or do you teach practicals too?
All our training comes with both theory and practical video sessions. Except for our short masterclasses and webinar series where we focus on theoretical principles of formulation.
How do I ask questions during my course of study? What if I need help?
You can contact Sommie personally anytime within your duration of study via email and she will get back to you as soon as she can. You can also join our life long community/facebook support group for formulators. “Formulating High Performance Skin and Hair care With Sommie”. This group is completely free for all formulators.
Can I launch my own range of products and start my own business with the knowledge I'll get from the courses?
We have different levels of well detailed training to suit different Niches and levels of expertise. Yes you can launch your own skin and hair care business once you take your time to study them thoroughly and put all you’ve learnt to use.
Can I add multiple courses to cart?
NO. You can only buy one course at a time. But you can add multiple eBooks or Product formulas to cart.